Popped over to Barrie, Ontario yesterday with Holly and we bought our expedition tent at Sojourn .
Love that store! Great staff, great service. We spent a few hours there checking out gear that we need versus gear that we want. Most travellers know the distinction between the two. The desire to keep our gear load light on the motorcycle overrules the desire to bring the tiny waffle iron I saw on the store shelves yesterday…but it’s still cool and I still want it. It remains on the store shelves because I know we simply don’t have the space for that luxury.

For the same reason we won’t be bringing many things we want on the journey. We could have bought a bigger tent, better sleeping bags, cushier sleeping mats, brighter headlamps, etc. but experience has taught me that less is always more. My good friend Oswaldo von Breymann used to tell me to put all of my travel gear in one pile and all of my travel money in another pile and then remove half the gear and take twice the money. There’s something to that thinking. Holly will learn to enjoy the simplicities of peanut butter and tortilla sandwiches on a daily basis.



